Current Health Sciences Journal
vol. 36 no. 2, 2010
1. Endometrial Carcinogenesis
Sidonia Catalina Stoian(1), F. Bobia(2), A. Stepan(3), Cristiana Simionescu(3)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Endometrial Carcinogenesis PDFEndometrial cancer is among the three most common cancers in females in many industrialized countries. Currently, two different pathways are distinguished for tumorigenesis of sporadic endometrial carcinoma. Type I, those with endometrioid histology, are associated with unopposed estrogen exposure and are often preceded by premalignant disease. In contrast, type II endometrial cancers have nonendometrioid histology (usually papillary serous or clear cell) with an aggressive clinical course. Hormonal risk factors have not been identified, and there is no readily observed premalignant phase. The morphologic and clinical differences are paralleled by genetic distinctions, in that type I and II cancers carry mutations of independent sets of genes. The morphologic differences in these cancers are mirrored in their molecular genetic profile with type I showing defects in DNA-mismatch repair and mutations in PTEN, K-ras, and beta-catenin, and type II showing aneuploidy and p53 mutations.
2. Colposcopic Evaluation of Neoplasic and Preneoplasic Lesions of the Cervix – a Retrospective Study
A. Comanescu(1), D. Iliescu(1), Maria Comanescu(2), N. Cernea(1), L. Mogoanta(3), Cristiana Simionescu(3)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Colposcopic Evaluation of Neoplasic and Preneoplasic Lesions of the Cervix – a Retrospective Study PDFBased on observation sheets and the existing database in Obstetrics – Gynecology Department, we reviewed the outcome for patients diagnosed with neoplasic and preneoplasic lesions of the cervix that were examined in our clinic. Colposcopic diagnosis efficiency was analyzed retrospectively reported to the histopathologic diagnosis and to the results of other studies. Our results were similar to those presented in international literature, showing a carefull evaluation of cervical lesions in our colposcopy department.
3. The Epidemiology of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: Review of the Literature
Rodica Taslica (1), Cristiana Simionescu (2), Mihaela Muntean (3), Corina Dochit (4), A. Comanescu(5), Diana Stanculescu(6) (1)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF The Epidemiology of Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix: Review of the Literature PDFSquamous cell carcinoma of the cervix represents the most frequent malignant neoplasm of the uterine cervix, consisting of squamous cells with malignant characteristics. The majority of squamous carcinomas of the cervix develop from lesions of the cervical epithelium, type CIN (cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) untreated after a varied period of time. Vast epidemiological studies proved that at a global level, cancer of the uterine cervix helds the second position as frequency, among tumoral pathology of female population and the third mortality cause. HPV represents the main risk factor involved in the occurrence of squamous cell carcinoma.
4. Semiquantitative Methods of Assesment of Severity in Viral Hepatitis C
Ana Maria Kese(1), Violeta Comanescu(2), Maria Comanescu(2), Cristiana Simionescu(3), Denisa Enescu-Bieru(1)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Semiquantitative Methods of Assesment of Severity in Viral Hepatitis C PDFThe aim of this study was to investigate 402 liver biopsies from patients with serologically confirmed chronic viral hepatitis C. We investigated histopathological aspects of this lesions, regarding the intralobularly and portal necroinflammatory activity (HAI score) and fibosis (Meavir score) which can help to decrease variability of the assessment of results.
5. An Epidemiological Assessment of Gastric Cancer
Cotoi B.V.(1) , Georgescu I.(2)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF An Epidemiological Assessment of Gastric Cancer PDFGastric cancer is one of the most common sites of visceral malignancies. Meets more frequently in males, which is one third of all neoplasms and ranks first as the frequency, while the female ranks second after uterine cancer. Etiology of gastric cancer is unknown. Usually age occurs between 40 and 60 years. There are also cases seen at a younger age and even children. These forms are characterized by rapidly evolving and extreme malignity. For reasons still unclear, gastric cancer mortality rate decreased over the past 60 years. Epidemiological studies have suggested that the risk for gastric cancer is higher in classes with lower socioeconomic level, more immigrants coming from countries with high incidence of gastric cancer, established in countries with low incidence seem to keep increasing susceptibility to cancer stomach, while their offspring is equal to the incidence of new country. These observations suggest that exposure to some environmental factors likely begin early in life is correlated with the development of gastric cancer. Anatomical seat of predilection is antro-pyloric region (70%), followed by lesser curvature (20%) cardial location, the stomach walls and background are much more rare region (10%).
6. The Treatment Issues of Primitive Retroperitoneal Tumors
C.E. GAtita(1), I. Georgescu(2), R. Nemes(2)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF The Treatment Issues of Primitive Retroperitoneal Tumors PDFPrimitive retroperitoneal tumors are entities that occupy a relatively small area of surgical pathology, in the area of diagnostic and therapeutic interest of many surgical specialties, being the common practice of the general surgeon as well as the urologist and gynecologist. In order to achieve the goal of the paper, pointing out the importance of primitive retroperitoneal tumors; most of them arriving late at the surgeon’s examination - because of the possibility of them evolving to large sizes in their space, without constantly causing major clinical suffering - and to highlight the importance of treatment problems we used a retrospective study on a period of 10 years, a group of 56 cases of primitive retroperitoneal tumors hospitalized and operated in the Surgical Clinic I of the Emergency County Clinical Hospital of Craiova, for the most effective therapeutic management of patients with primitive retroperitoneal tumors (TRP).
7. Assessment Criteria Diagnostic Radiology fluid Mediastinal Mass, Cystic and Pseudocystic
Morosanu D. V., Bondari A.
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Assessment Criteria Diagnostic Radiology fluid Mediastinal Mass, Cystic and Pseudocystic PDFThe incidence of side (AP) radiography of thoraco-pleuro-mediastino-lung, the heart is the organ best developed in the transverse direction and therefore some of its cavities are tangent Get X-ray beam, it generates lateral contours mediastinal opacity, with large vessels in the heart. Other mediastinal structures, which overlap in posterior-anterior end, are difficult to see on X-ray-mediastino thoraco-pleuro-pulmonary, the incidence of side. An exception is the trachea, which is visible in the first thoracic vertebra and the superior mediastinum, as radiotransparenta structure, tubular, located on the midline. Mediastinal pleura over the structures formed by the reflection lines, separating the transparent areas of the lung mediastinal opacity. The incidence of side-mediastino radiography thoraco-pleuro-pulmonary, central radius, moving perpendicular to the sagittal plane of the mediastinum, structures are viewed obvious overlapping lung parenchyma over the mediastinum
8. Data on Endoprosthetic Hip Replacement in Romania, in the Period 2003–2010
C. V. Puia, C. Polinicencu
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Data on Endoprosthetic Hip Replacement in Romania, in the Period 2003–2010 PDFEndoprosthetic hip replacement is a reconstructive surgery procedure for the prosthetic replacement of the hip joint components. The aim is to restore the joint mobility and normal function of all periarticular structures that control the joint motion, allowing operated patients to live a normal life. The paper aims to present the situation of endoprosthetic hip replacements in Romania from 2003 to the present, including the number of interventions performed (primary and revision surgery), their costs, the main types of implanted prostheses, the sex distribution of endoprosthetic replacements, the reporting and recording procedures of the interventions performed. All Romanian citizens who have a medical insurance benefit from prostheses free of charge. As the demand for endoprostheses is very high and the allocated funds are insufficient, patients are placed on waiting lists. Part of these, who can no longer wait, pay for their prostheses. There are no separate data on patients paying for their prostheses and those benefiting from them free of charge. The existing data only refer to the total number of endoprosthetic replacements performed.
9. Cytologic Study of Expectoration from Commited Pacients in a Pneumology Department (2001-2007)
Liliana Popescu(1), Fl. Bogdan(2), C. Popescu (1)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Cytologic Study of Expectoration from Commited Pacients in a Pneumology Department (2001-2007) PDFThis study was made in the Municipal Hospital of Caracal’s Pneumology section during the period 2001 – 2007, while the section was running 45 beds, with occupancy of 115%.During this period a number of 4862 patients were investigated from which 3120 had had their expectoration taken for the cytological exam. The cytological exam is advised in case of suspecting of the pleura lung even though no obvious modifications during the previous radiological exam were present. The exam is advised not only for suspicion of the pleura lung but also for determining the diagnosis of the pulmonary affliction and also in evaluation of the evolution of the affliction .It was noticesd an increased number of epithelial cells and cylindrical cells malpighiene, this percentage being higher in the chronic lung diseases, train and in the lung cancer. Red blood cells and eosinophils have been found in very small percentage without being able to determin cause behavior therapy. Cytology performed at cough showed a more frequent hyperplasia than metaplasia, the latter being more frequent in broncho-pulmonary disease-cancer. Obtained microscopy images have examplified our survey data.
10. Histo-anatomical Data Concerning the Vegetative Organs of Scilla bifolia L. (Liliaceae)
Luiza Balasoiu(1), Cornelia Bejenaru(2), L. E. Bejenaru(1), G.D. Mogosanu(1), H. Popescu(1)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Histo-anatomical Data Concerning the Vegetative Organs of Scilla bifolia L. (Liliaceae) PDFThe determination of structure of the vegetative organs of Scilla bifolia L. species is the first step for the pharmacognostic research concerning the products Scillae bifoliae bulbus and Scillae bifoliae folium. The bulb has primary structure. The cells of fundamental parenchyma accumulate reserve substances. The aerial stem had circular-ribbed contour and primary structure. The medullar parenchyma is missing. It is replaced by a medullar lacuna. The leaf’s limb is amphystomatic, having an equifacial structure. The tector and secretory hairs are missing.
11. Oxicams Structural Characteristics Determined by Molecular Modeling Methods
Denisa-Constantina Amzoiu(1), Emilia Amzoiu(2), FloricaPopescu(3)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Oxicams Structural Characteristics Determined by Molecular Modeling Methods PDFClassical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, indomethacin) produce side effects like gastrointestinal ulcerations or renal failure. Current studies are trying to find drugs exerting analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory activity without these side effects. Compounds from oxicam class are included in this category. Physico-chemical properties of these drugs were evaluated with molecular modeling models in order to achieve a characterization of these compounds. This study aims to analyze electronic, atomic or molecular structural factors contributing to the biological action manifested by the compounds of oxicam class. The study showed the contribution of some parameters characteristic of the substances chemical structures on the partition coefficient. To evaluate these molecular descriptors is to show their importance in the partition of the studied substances in both aqueous and lipid phase (1octanol).
12. Researches upon the Heavy Metals Content of Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae)
Tania Popa(1), Maria-Viorica Bubulica(1), L. Chirigiu(1), G.D. Mogosanu(1), R. Popescu(2), H. Popescu(1,3)
View online - Abstract - Download PDF Researches upon the Heavy Metals Content of Sambucus nigra L. (Caprifoliaceae) PDFThe analysis of heavy metals in the flowers and leaves of Sambucus nigra species has been performed. The mean levels of heavy metals in vegetal dried samples were in normal limits. Differences depend on the presence of organic compounds with ligand character and on the environmental conditions. The results indicate that there is not any real danger by utilization of pharmaceutical preparations of Sambuci flos.

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