Curr Health Sci J, vol. 48, no. 1, 2022

Study on the Application of PRP Enriched with Hyaluronic Acid to Skin Wounds-Macroscopic Result

[Original Paper]

E.A. Marinescu(1), O. Nica(1), V. Parvanescu(1), R. Mercut(1), D. Marinescu(2), A. Cojocaru(1), M. Georgescu(3), M.E. Ciurea(1)

(1)Departament of Plastic Surgery, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania
(2)General Surgery Clinic No.
(1), Craiova Emergency Clinical Hospital, Romania
(3)Plastic Surgery Clinic, Craiova Emergency Clinical Hospital, Romania


Tissue healing is a complex process of replacing damaged tissue structures, being a dynamic process with spatial and temporal involvement. In practice, there are three types of healing: primary, secondary and tertiary. Since even tertiary healing can cause different problems depending on the individual patient, the medical world has always strived for new, easier, more effective, faster, and low cost-effective methods to cover skin wounds. This experiment aims to find a method that is as efficient and fast as possible, with minimal costs, of native healing of skin wounds and the development of a protocol that is as reliable and safe as possible for the patient. The experiment was carried out within the animal facility of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, with the agreement of our institutional Ethics Committee. The experimental group consisted of 30 individuals (Wistar laboratory rats), clinically healthy, male and female, being divided into 3 sublots of 10 individuals each. Each sublot was sacrificed at different time intervals: 7, 14 and 21 days, respectively. The local evolution of each individual was monitored during the experimental days, as well as their general state of health. Before slaughter, the lesions were examined macroscopically, following their size, whether or not the infection was present and the presence of other self-inflicted lesions later. Macroscopically, a faster wound healing was found where PRP enriched with hyaluronic acid was applied from the 7th day, so we can say that at first glance the "free" healing period in the case of enhanced epithelialization was about 7 days shorten. This fact will be confirmed or refuted following histopathological examinations and immunohistochemistry.

Hyaluronic acid, PRP, Wistar rats, healing, skin wound

Daniela Marinescu, General Surgery Clinic No. 1, Craiova Emergency Clinical Hospital, Romania, e-mail:

DOI 10.12865/CHSJ.48.01.06 - Download PDF