Curr Health Sci J, vol. 49, no. 1, 2023

A Review Regarding the Connections between Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma - Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Treatment


A Iordache(1), N C Balica(2,3), I D Horhat(2,3), R Morar(1), A A Tischer(3), A I Milcu(4), M C Salavat(4), V M Boruga(5)

(1)PhD Student, Department of ENT, Victor Babe? University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timi?oara, Romania,
(2)Department of ENT, Victor Babe? University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timi?oara, Romania,
(3)Department of ENT, Emergency City Hospital, Timi?oara, Romania,
(4)Department of Surgery, Victor Babe? University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timi?oara, Romania,
(5)Department of Microbiology, Victor Babe? University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timi?oara, Romania


Allergic rhinitis is characterized by an acute or chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa, being frequently associated with other airway conditions such as sinusitis, serous otitis media, nasal polyposis, sleep disorders and asthma in particular. Among the comorbidities of allergic rhinitis it counts asthma, being a risk factor for this disorder, in which, more than 75% of patients develop asthma (either allergic or nonallergic), whereas the patients with allergic rhinitis can be affected up to 40% by asthma. The classic symptoms for allergic rhinitis involves sneezing, nasal mucosal swelling and watery rhinorrhea; whereas the main symptoms which occurred in patients with asthma are wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, coughing, fast heartbeat, confusion, exhaustion or dizziness. Avoiding allergens is the first line of treatment for allergic rhinitis, followed by medication and allergen immunotherapy. Due to the strong connection between allergic rhinitis and asthma, one can affirm that the treatment for allergic rhinitis lead to the improvement of asthma symptoms. One can diagnose asthma by recognizing a certain pattern of respiratory symptoms and expiratory airflow restriction, which varies for each patient. In conclusion, accurate identification of the differences between allergic rhinitis and asthma depends on a thorough history, physical examination, and therapeutic treatments. This article provides an overview of the conne

Rhinitis, asthma, allergy, antihistamine, corticosteroids, allergen immunotherapy, desensitization therapy.

Veronica Madalina Boruga, Department of Microbiology, "Victor Babes" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail:

DOI 10.12865/CHSJ.49.01.01 - Download PDF