Curr Health Sci J, vol. 47, no. 3, 2021

Aging and Vascular Compliance in Hypertensive Patients Mirrored in Routine Investigations

[Original Paper]

R. Balan(1,3), C. Ferdoschi(1), E. Balasescu(1,2), D.A. Ion(1,2)

(1)“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania,
(2)Discipline of Pathophysiology II, Faculty of Medicine, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania,
(3)Elias Emergency University Hospital, Bucharest, Romania


The global prevalence of arterial hypertension is increasing. Due to its consequences, hypertension is a leading cause of morbi-mortality. In this regard, awareness of the importance of diagnosis as well as proper treatment of hypertension is mandatory. Objectives: This study aims to analyze vascular compliance and different pressure characteristics depending on age, along with highlighting some clinical-paraclinical correlations in people diagnosed with hypertension. We used usual laboratory analyzes and the blood pressure values obtained using ABPM/24 hr, in addition to highlighting the impact of age on those parameters. Materials and methods: The sample comprises of 99 adults diagnosed with hypertension. We divided them into 2 groups, according to age: cases sample: 52 patients (age> 60 years old) and control sample: 47 patients (age< 60 years old). Results: In the control group, RDW was correlated with the general and diurnal systolic and diastolic hypertonicity indexes and the platelet count was positively correlated only with the morning surge. The dipping profile correlates negatively with RDW. In the elderly, all three systolic blood pressure parameters are influenced by ESR and also correlate negatively with HDL, with an inverse proportional relationship. Statistically significant correlations were found between blood glucose and diurnal systolic and diastolic hypertonicity indexes. Mean Pulse Pressure correlates in the elderly with HDL (negative correlations) and in the young with RDW (positive correlations). Conclusions: Vascular compliance can be estimated with the help of HDL in the elderly and RDW in young people, considering the influence of the two parameters on pulse pressure.

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring/24 hours; hypertension; age; vascular compliance.

Elena Balasescu, Discipline of Pathophysiology II, Faculty of Medicine, "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:

DOI 10.12865/CHSJ.47.03.06 - Download PDF